Gosh Dang!
My apologies for not updating more regularly or frequently!
Farm life has been busy, lots of gardening and grass mowing happening this time of year!
We waved goodbye to Rylee a few days ago--our 8 yo granddaughter that has been here visiting for nearly eight weeks. What a blast that was! Her parents James and Heather drove down from Iowa to pick her up--Bonus! We had a great visit with them for a few days too!
Josh is still at the Army base, completing his AIT. Graduation is in about 2 weeks, words cannot describe how glad I will be to see him! He left April 29th, 3 months ago. I found this pic of him online at www.basictrainingphotos.com What a great surprise!
Char took a 5+ week long walkabout in Europe. She saw Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Palma Majorca, Amsterdam and Brussels. From her descriptions and pictures I think it was a great trip, though one she was glad to be home from. (Above is a pic she took standing on a bridge in Brugge, Brussels, with her iPhone!)
All the critters on the farm are doing well: piggies will be going to freezer camp in a month or so, the Jersey girls have been bred and we are waiting on results, Daisy the Brangus will be bred soon too, as soon as we can get a squeeze chute constructed. She does kick and she is huge--I am not going to attempt to AI her without some safety features!
As we get ready to brace ourselves for August heat, and potential hurricanes I really just want August to pass. It is typically the hottest month, and in my mind the longest. Despite the good and fun things happening there has also been upset and unsettling events, resulting in my rhythm of life being "off". I am determined to find that healing few minutes daily and get a new rhythm and sync with the farm, job, business, home, self.
I have applied for the Holistic Management International's Beginning Women Farmers program, and hope to find out in the next few days if I have been accepted. Their website is here.
My goal is to learn the processes and acquire the tools to grow the farm to support at the least itself, and eventually, us too. Working off the farm is truly for the birds.
We still have a couple of farm shares available and usually we have excess eggs for those that just need eggs (stop by the black fridge and leave a payment in the receptacle).
Please note: We can no longer offer freebie produce or eggs to folks not enrolled in the farm share program. All ungraded, mixed eggs are 5.00/dz and other seasonal items will be priced individually (as they ripen and as we have excess).
Wishing you all a great day!