The top pic is what I found when I uncovered a garden bed today to plant beans.
It looked a lot like the second picture the last time I saw it. Tall grasses and weeds, and in the heat of summer I did not have the inclination or time to weed it properly so I covered it with black plastic and weighted it down with bricks and old potting pots (it has been covered since early July). I did rake the soil once over to smooth it out just before the pic, but that's it! No weeding for this bed!
The second bed is the herb bed that I didn't cover because I knew there were little plants of oregano and lemon thyme still surviving under the jungle.
What I didn't know was that there was a snake hunting in that weed hide-away too!
See: Garden Adventure blog.
This is not so funny, but when I enlarged the second pic on the iphone, I could see the snake in the chives! I must have walked right past it a dozen times or more.