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February 13, 2011

Weekly Highlights

The past week was busy! 3 clinical days and a trip to Fla. for Schumacher.
Vera continues to slowly progress toward calving and once this week I got a strong kick from the calf (quite surprising because I was not even bumping the calf, just standing close to Vera and hugging her). It is a beautiful thing to get kicked like that!
The majority of the garden seeds have arrived (Seeds of Change); seedlings/rootstock we expect to arrive soon: tomatoes, comfrey, asparagus, rhubarb, ginger, wasabi, 2 pears and an apple.
We hope we have had our last frost/freeze of the season. Thankfully, we have not had any broken pipes.
The ducklings are growing like crazy and have little white feathers starting at the tips of their wings. Dave filled their bigger pool yesterday and even though it was only about 40'F out, they went for a swim.
We have turkey poults on order, and a friend is selling us some Favorelle hatchlings (chicks).
The farm grows and thrives, and is good for our soul.

1 comment:

  1. I agree; living on a farm is good for the soul.

    I don't feel so bad about how many seeds I ordered after seeing yours...Happy gardening ahead.

    Poor Vera looks like she is going to explode.

    Have a wonderful week.
