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April 3, 2011

Garden Gears UP!

I took these pictures about 10 days ago, with the intent of posting them last week. I never got to that ,so here they are though it seems silly to me because now everything is at least double the size it was then!


Green Beans and Yellow Wax Beans
(hops on the end)

2 varieties of cucumber 

teeny tiny radishes

 Herb bed


Lettuce/Broc/Cabbage bed

 Snap peas and shell peas

 Rattlesnake beans, eggplant, bell pepper:

 Potato and garlic bed

Here are a few of the garden goods from yesterday:

Nevada lettuce

yummy berry!

Rouge D'Hiver Lettuce

I hope Spring has sprung wherever you are, and if not maybe you can start some seeds indoors!


  1. Have I missed a new calf post?

    Your gardens are looking great. That strawberry looks luscious. I am planting anew this year.

  2. Hi!! It is the next post!! She is here!
