All Content and Photos are the property of Lucky-Lizard-Ranch and may not be used without permission.

May 8, 2011

Pics from the week and the archives

I guess nursing was always in the cards somewhere!

Aerial view of the garden!

The biggest tree frog we have ever seen, 3"!

Birth announcement from Charlye's birth (she turned 18 this week). The print is from a painting my 
paternal grandmother painted while expecting my dad, in 1926.

Heifer girls!

Gigantic butterfly on lantana.

My brothers and I, 1968

My maternal grandmother, Mary Oliver and I

My brothers and I, est 1972

Vera and April 5.5.11

Lizzie and Tuesday 5.5.11

Happy Weekend!


  1. Tuesday is so big! Everyone is beautiful. Your garden is wonderful! Happy Mother's day!!!

  2. A nice trip back via the pictures. Your grandmother was a very talented artist. I love the painting.

    The calves are growing and looking wonderful. So is the garden.

    Hope you had a super Mothers Day.
