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October 16, 2011

Garden News

First of all---I have been accepted into the Texas Master Gardener Program for 2012!! This is held by each county statewide, and I am so thankful to live in a county with a very busy and active Master Gardener group! Coursework starts in January (7 weeks), and then the volunteer/hands on hours begin. I am extremely excited to be a part of the program and the group!!

Secondly, our weather is really odd this year and the plants have noticed. After the drought and 100 degree temps broke, the pasture has turned green again and all sorts of springtime bloomers are blooming now. Dogwood, Crepe Myrtle, Bulbs, Roses, Tomatoes....they have awoken form a drought to bring much color to the farm and I am thankful! We still hope for more rain to make the pastures lush, and to grow the rye seed that needs to be spread.

The bushy things left in the garden are herbs (on the left) and the sweet potato vines on the right (to be harvested after a frost or when all the leaves turn brown). There may be some weeds........

Wishing everyone a great week and happy gardening, whatever that entails!!

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