All Content and Photos are the property of Lucky-Lizard-Ranch and may not be used without permission.

February 16, 2013

February Farm Update

We did it, we made determined and distinct strides towards being seasonal milkmaids. The goal is to milk when the grass season is in (early spring through late fall), instead of trying to milk all year. This plan also allows for time off for us, and if we are able, the flexibility to travel. Party was being bred to have a fall calf so she did not fit the plan, nor could we conceptualize keeping a dry cow on for a year.
Partytime has moved to LA to be the milker for a family farm--she has 7 kids to teach to milk!
Her bon voyage was bittersweet, she is getting a great family and we will miss her!

 The very next day Natalie and I drove to Mississippi to meet up with Damon to pick up a bred jersey heifer, ButterCream.

Damon and his son Elliott do a fantastic job of raising heifers. Butter is extremely user-friendly, sweet, tractable, and beautiful too!

Butter is due to calve in April, and as of now Louise is a week past due. Argh! Starving for fresh milk!
When they are both in milk (March-November or so), we will have many shares available. Contact us via this blog, FB or through Real Milk, a project of the Winston A Price Foundation (WAPF), at 

In other news, Spring has sprung in Texas! We have purchased seeds for most of the garden, the rest of the produce will be from local seedlings or seeds we saved from last year.

As always, share customers will receive one dozen eggs per month, garden produce as available each month and free rein (with prior notice) to take cuttings, clip herbs, or cut flowers for their table.
This year egg shares are available too, contact us for more info or to sign up.

We wish you a very happy Spring and look forward to serving you some awesome local food this year!


  1. Where can I buy your products?

  2. Hi! Drop me an email and we can schedule a farm tour! lizardrn at gmail dot com
    That's the best way to start, you can see what we do and it gives us an opportunity to fully answer questions!
    Thank you!
