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September 23, 2009

F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C Weather today!!

Beautiful, gorgeous, marvelous.....there are not enough words to describe how it feels when humidity leaves for a couple of days and the temps drop into the 60's!!
What a wonderful change!
I planted garlic and then discovered a bag of organic potatoes going south and trying to grow in the pantry, they went into the garden too.
I weeded a flower bed and a garden bed, and am feeling especially proud of this accomplishment. Tomorrow I will feel especially stiff, but the beds will still look good!


  1. You can plant potatoes now? When will you dig them up? Oh, how I envy your two growing seasons per year!

  2. I have never done them in the fall, but decided to try instead of throwing them away! I figure it is worth a try!
    I envy your real winter! :)
