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April 15, 2010

Way behind in the land of Funk

Texas bluebonnets along the roadside.

roses blooming like crazy on the south side of the house

front (east) side of the house

first big berries!

Lately more and more days feel like The Land of Funk for me. Work is pretty busy, we are living in the "Realtors can come by any minute so live like neat freaks live here" mode and I find myself staring off into space, or having insomnia in the middle of the night! Ick, living with change and stress is the culprit, no doubt. I am really really excited about the new region and new team to work with. The hard part is leaving the team I work with now and getting things handed over. Being way behind refers to the 1001 things I have on a to-do list in my brain--the things that never seem to get done!
We had a potential buyer look at the house yesterday, they absolutely loved everything about it. Today the word is that they are deciding between ours and one other, and will probably come out for another walk about this weekend. They really liked the ponds, the pastures and that the garden is already in. That would be a selling point for me too. I'll update when we have something to share. Here is a link to the listing:
Hattie has been spoken for by a family about an hour away. It sounds like she will still be in cow-delight-land with many kids to spoil her and learn to milk her! We take Daisy to Baton Rouge in a couple of weeks; her new owner is meeting us there from Tennessee. She will be spoiled there too. The ducks were spoken for but we can't catch them; they have become a conveyance.
So, things are happening and not happening all at once.
I am contemplating getting back at the college studies. This semester off has been enjoyable in that I haven't had homework, though I worry I will slide and before I know it 5 years has passed and I still haven't finished. Life is like that for me, really good at slipping away if I let it. I feel like that is one personal goal I just have to get done. The other one is the weight loss, which is coming along slowly. I keep hitting plateaus. I need to shake up the exercise I think, maybe start jogging in earnest when we move (our neighborhood here is not so good for that). I probably should ride the stationary bike farther or faster (ugh). My year of the makeover is only in its 4th month so stay tuned for more results!
As for the stress, this too shall pass, and the journey would not be a journey if we didn't go anywhere or grow now would it? I hope wherever you are and whatever you are doing that you enjoy it and are not stressed out. Peace!


  1. 'When God made time, He made enough of it.' Celtic saying. My To Do list (like yours) absolutely disagrees with that saying! A person just has to keep getting one thing done at a time.

  2. Oh hugs! I've lived with that realtor readiness crap, and it is so hard! I hope it ends for you soon. I am with you with the weightloss plateau. I cannot budge and don't want to be stuck here forever! But I figure I'll just have to enjoy the greater fitness, and hope evntually the weight budges again! Thinking of you....
