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April 13, 2012

Bird's eye view of the garden 4.13.12

Pics taken from the barn roof!

Everything that can be planted is planted. I have no idea what will be planted as individual harvests come, but we have a little while to figure that out.

Happy Gardening to all!


  1. Do you know your total sq. footage of your garden beds? Very nice!

  2. Measured the outside dimensions, comes to 3182 sq feet (74 x 43, roughly).
    Most of the beds are 4 x 16 a few are 8 x 8, and then some odd sizes.

  3. Replies
    1. Wow, that's four times the size of our veggie garden. Is yours all veggies? Our herbs, berries, fruit trees, watermelon, and pumpkins are elsewhere. But, that's impressive...and a lot of weeding. :)


  4. I am trying hard not to have to weed by mulching with leaves and pine needles! (And no mowing grass between the beds by the same method--choke out their need for photosynthesis!)
    We have fruit trees, herbs, veggies, berries, root crops and lots of flowers!
    Happy Gardening!

  5. How's your garden growing?? The birds have taken some of my starts, so I'm off to reseed. And we're also trying a no till method. Have you seen Back to Eden? This has been a good method for us to follow so far, although people have been practicing variations for years.

