Ok, I admit it, what you all already know...I am not a daily blogger.
So, here are the highlights for the last week:
*I worked my last day from the Houston office, bittersweet.
*We have started on the process of loan approval so when we do sell our house we will be ready to buy without having anything holding us back!
*The house we loved has a contract on it, so it was not meant to be for us..but it served its purpose of helping us decide what we do want!
*The garden survived without us, though the yellow squash looks like it could have used a little more water. The plants are catching up and putting on new green growth.
*The tomatoes are laden with fruit. Some were laden with bugs so we dusted again. The slicers grew so fast and so big that they became cage bound! We have started picking any as soon as they have the merest amount of color to ripen inside away from bugs. The cherry tomatoes are looking and growing much better. We have tomatoes of all sizes and shapes on almost every surface in the kitchen.
*We are harvesting a basket or two daily of various items, I am trying to remember to cut herbs every few days to dry and store.
*The hot peppers are fruiting, cayenne, sweet banana, Tabasco and jalapeƱo. Ole!
*The blackberries have come on full tilt and besides enjoying them from the vine, I made 6 pints of jam. Max is a berry stealer, carefully using his front teeth to grip and pull a berry at a time off the canes, he only likes the ripe ones too! Thankfully he can't reach them all.
*The Memorial Day weekend is quiet here, a time to catch up on gardening, reading, homework and being with the kids. I miss Dave who has had to work the whole weekend.
Remember those who died in the service of our great country and have a safe and wonderful weekend!