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March 7, 2010

Dogs 3.5 :: Reptiles/amphibians 0

The loyal Farm Collies respond very quickly to the master's snakey-dance-cuss-a-blue-streak command! So fast in fact that they killed all 3 rough earth snakes that I disturbed today, and then played with a toad until he was not capable of playing anymore.
Such hunters and protectors they are!
Here is the proper maneuver one employs to celebrate the victory (after rendering the evil spotted-belly toad incapacitated):

And Cooper with snake#2 (in front of his left front paw):

The rescuers with snake #1 (Max is probably saying something like "she will stop all that noise and hopping about in just a minute, for now we get praised if we paw and bite this wiggly thing").

In lighter news, I did get about a zillion carrot seeds scattered (the wind and the dogs helped with that). I guess we will just have to wait a week or two to see how that turns out!
;-) Happy Week All!


  1. Absolutely beautiful~ I love how you tell stories!

  2. What good dogs! Snakes don't bother's the giant barn spiders and moths! I'll stay tuned to hear how carrots grow.

  3. Hi Liz! I found your name among the "recommended businesses" of Homewood Christian Association, a homeschool support group I recently joined. I would LOVE to find out about the availability of your milk and eggs. I can be reached at Thanks!

  4. Hi Angela, thanks for the note! We don't sell anything off the farm, it is just for family use. Thank you though! Alas, we no longer home school, but wish our HS friends well! Take care! Liz
