All Content and Photos are the property of Lucky-Lizard-Ranch and may not be used without permission.

March 12, 2010

Here comes the sun and here comes Spring!

barn roof and springtime sky

first lily!

turtle hunting lessons

the last gray day contrasted by bright peach blooms

first professional pedicure, had the massage too--heavenly!

Cooper smiles!

mmmm, garden greens

three brown cows

The cold dreary weather has been gone for a week or so and I just have to say it makes all the difference! The grass even seems cheerful, even though it is barely taller than algae.


  1. Oh I'm so jealous!Those pics look so lovely and WARM. I'm glad you got a manicure and massage.
    You deserve it girl!

  2. I am sooo coveting your peach blossoms. Peach trees don't do very well up here. :(
    Love the pink toes!

  3. Thanks for sharing those "happy" pictures with those of us still stuck in the mud, muck and dreariness on the East Coast right now! Soon! Our grass is just starting to turn green! Yipee!
