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December 9, 2010

Ginger is for sale

We have an opportunity to buy another cow who will calve very close to when Ginger is due, so we have decided to sell Ginger.

She will be 2 in May, and will calve in May. Pregnancy confirmed by biotracking. Bred to a Dexter bull for lbw calf.
She is Bangs vaccinated, has had all other vaccines except rabies, was de-wormed (prophylactily) with Cydectin in October. She has been dehorned (still healing).
Very healthy and sweet, though she is head shy and wary of me at the moment.

Call, email, message, text if interested or if you know a good family that may be interested in her!


  1. Ok-Liz-let me know by email what you are asking for Would make a great Christmas present for Jeff-and the half Dexter calf would fit right in!! Susie

  2. That would be awesome Susie! Email sent!
