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December 11, 2010

Weekend Update

Well, we have 3 people that have expressed interest in Ginger, so hopefully in the next week or so she will be going to her new home.

This was my first week to work FT for First Choice ER and PT for Schumacher Group; it has been an adjustment. Mainly that I don't feel like I have had any time off. After the first of the year my position with SG may change a little which will help, and I need to learn how to manage my time better with the new roles.
The clinical shifts are nice, I have always loved talking  to people (lol) whether it is patients or coworkers so that part is great, otherwise I am getting back into the swing of things and documenting, administering meds, etc. I've got my hand back on the pulse of it all!

I have been all over the spectrum with dinner this week: ordered pizza once, made homemade enchiladas and then bought a rotisserie chicken at the store. I need to break out the crock pot cook book "Fix it and Forget it" for inspiration and to plan for next week.

School is going well, this class (Nursing Research) finishes next week, the next starts 1/3. Fast! I should finish in May, yippee!

Charlye brought home a leftover birthday cake from work and after a couple of days no one had any interest in it so we gave it to Spottie. She had quite a bit of interest in it! When she finished the cake itself she picked up the cardboard platter and shook her head back and forth sending icing and cake crumbs flying (all over us!). It was great fun and she is a fun pig. She "talks" all the time and is just plain silly!

Dave has started burning out stumps in the back pasture so we can improve the land for the cows. There is still a lot of damage and mess from the loggers. We did find a couple of nice surprises--the Magnolia and the Holly trees are coming back!

Wishing you all a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Those enchiladas look divine! And I love your spotted pig! I have to confess, the GOS pigs really interest me!
