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August 30, 2009

Week of 8/24/09

School started without a hitch, both kids are in ROTC and love it. Josh is on the Spirit Flag team this year and Char is going to try out for rifle team.
My classes started also, I am befuddled trying to get back into the routine and juggling multiple classes at once. I am sure it will come back to me!
All of us were tired this week: getting up extra early and getting back into the swing of the early alarm clock.
Dave got many of the fallen trees/limbs cut up and stacked to burn, and he fixed the barn roof between storms. We have had almost daily showers; some of them quite violent, though short lived. I would estimate our weekly rainfall at 2” or a little more. More than we had in June and July combined! The pastures are green again, such a relief. The cows have been shut out of the back pasture due to the airport working on the fence line. They sent word that they would be replacing it. Their work so far has been sporadic, along our common fence they have only cleared their side, no fence is down yet so we have started letting the cows back out. They made a beeline for it this morning, heads and muzzles dropped to the ground the minute they got out there.
The sheep are doing well; all the ewes look to be bred. They are due to lamb the first half of November. I am looking forward to the sight of springing lambs around the pasture!
I am ignoring the overgrown garden and putting off working on it until the temperature outside is decent. Late Sept and October I hope to be spending a lot of time in the garden. My favorite fall crop is carrots. I will also plant brussel sprouts, cabbage, kale, broccoli and cauliflower.

My first attempt at vlogging (video blogging)!
(dedicated to Jessika and Tammy!)

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