The hen's pen is clean, the cow pens are clean, the sheep pen is clean (and brush pile burned), the interior pen is cleaned, new shavings and new occupants--piglets! We got two red wattle piglets from Melissa, they are cute and very talkative! The sheep frequently went to the adjoining fence to see what the piglets had to say. They figured out their feeder and waterer quickly, and even though they are timid of me they did let me scratch their backs when they ate eggs. For those of you on facebook, I put up a video of them. They did not squeal and squeak as much as I wanted them too--but cute just the same.
The garden has a new look. Several of the beds are covered in black plastic now to kill the weeds and solarize for winter. I moved the grapes into what used to be the strawberry bed (I found 2 survivors of the drought!). I'll plant strawberries back there next spring. I also discovered one artichoke plant, so it was transplanted to the fall garden bed where I hope it will thrive.
Vera and Hattie stayed in the close pasture most of the day, munching and keeping an eye out for me, in case I decided to bring treats (I did). Vera still looks to be several weeks away from calving. I am looking forward to milking again!
The spa maintenance took me all day, but that is accomplished as well, it should be back up to glory temperature tomorrow! I made lentil soup for dinner, nice and smooth since my tooth still hurts from the visit to the inquisitionist (dentist)chair on Wednesday. I think I will make chili in the crock pot tomorrow.
Dave says he and Rylee had fun on the drive to Grandma's house (Rylee applied her make up); they have since driven the tractor, played with tinker toys, played with dolls and I am sure 100 other things! I wish I was there to hug and kiss her!
It all sounds good, Liz! I love checking things off the list, such a sense of accomplishment. Zoie loved your kitty!