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March 6, 2010

The garden begins-- version 11.1

This years garden is (I hope) an improvement over last years. The focus for me is to KISS--Keep It Simple Sis. In that, I am planting bulk (single crop) plantings in each bed. This differs from previous years where many of the beds ended up being a hodge-podge of all types of things I was trying to grow. Part of the reason for the change is just to simplify--we are only planting things we know we can grow, things we know we like, and things to can for the winter. No sweet corn, and only one variety of bush beans. Last year we did not get to enjoy enough of the things we like and I lost patience when untried crops and varieties failed. The sweet corn never seems to make like I would like it to, so I will buy that at a local farm; same with blueberries (pick your own) and several other crops that are available locally--wonderful for me, I don't have to grow everything!
The three types of tomatoes are Goliath slicer, a Roma paste and an Indeterminate cherry, they are all planted as are the bell pepper seedlings; the blue lake bush beans, butternut squash and crookneck squash seeds are sown. The herb bed looks to be doing well, I added in some dill seed, and need to remember to buy basil starts. Spring has sprung today--let's hope we don't get a late frost!
It felt great to work out in the sunshine, it was just perfectly gorgeous out. The dogs helped me as only they can--chasing off birds and squirrels, barking at the cows (Cooper hit the electric fence and is now smarter). I let the cows all co-mingle and explore all the pastures today. Hattie was so funny! She checked the bunks, and then stayed close to the fence line anytime I was in the garden. She remembers how the treats go sailing over! All they got today were weeds, bright green and juicy, they all seemed to enjoy them. Vera was in standing heat and I believe Daisy may be having her first heat--it is spring time! I've noted the heats and hope to AI Vera in 21 days. Daisy will be bred this summer to a friend's miniature jersey bull. I'll draw blood tomorrow for Hattie's pregnancy test. I suspect she is bred since she has not come back into heat. We have a new pregnancy test that we can use on Vera after she is bred, it doesn't use blood or urine, it uses milk!
I have more work to do in the garden tomorrow (weeding and moving fertilizer). I am glad for it, it feels so good to be outside doing chores in the sunshine. I'll try to remember to get pics of the garden tomorrow.
Have a great weekend all!


  1. Sounds amazing! It's still winter like here, but the days are brighter, you can tell spring is on the way. I can't wait to garden!

  2. We still have a bit of snow on the ground and it's still to cold to think about gardening. Soon!

    Best wishes to you on getting Vera bred! How wonderful that you can AI her yourself!

  3. Such lovely grass you have! Your animals look very happy.

  4. We had a good gardening day here too, but it is way too soon for planting. Our last frost is May 10.

    Sounds like you have a good plan in mind. That is half the battle.
