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November 23, 2010

Iowa, the quick way

Dave and I left Saturday evening for Iowa after the Garrison Keillor show (wonderful!). The trip is exactly 1000 miles and 17 hours. We took turns sleeping and chatting, stopping for coffee, etc. One way we entertained ourselves was keeping an eye on the temperature outside, it steadily dropped from 70+ to 40 with a sharp wind as we got farther north.
Jim and Kathleen are doing well, she is recovered from the small stroke she had a couple of weeks ago. Even though the trip was fast it was worth it to be able to see everyone. The bonus was that James brought Rylee to spend time with us. Seeing her was wonderful! She is so tall and so smart and adorable and talkative and snuggly and, and, well just the perfect granddaughter!
We could only stay a short day before beginning the trip back, this time we began early morning so we traveled mostly by daylight. We couldn't resist watching the weather and temperature grow warmer as we traveled south. Along about OK City the temperature was 68 and almost balmy compared to the 33 when we left State Center.
Jim and Kathleen spoiled us by sending us home with a section of harrow (to drag the pasture with), the 4-wheeler to pull it with, homegrown potatoes, acorn squash, and joy of joy, the much coveted: 4 qts of rhubarb!
Thankfully the trip home was uneventful and we made it home in the wee hours on Tuesday.

Dave and Rylee, yes they were playing dolls.

The forest that Dave planted in high school.

An American Bald eagle watched us pull in to the farm.

Foggy farm fields.

Dave, Rylee, Liz

Sunset on the way home, Oklahoma.

Wide open Great Plains in KS.

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