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November 7, 2010

Weekly Words

A great week!

Farm Life:

The weather has been gorgeous--clear blue skies during the day. A few nights we had frost, I remembered to look at the weather forecast before dark so the tomato plants and fruits are safe. Dave is out of town so I had to be the meteorologist-in-residence.
The animals are all fine and maybe just a little sassy with the weather change.  We are getting 1-2 eggs a day, which is a perfect amount for us, as long as it stays consistent.
The beans outgrowing their bathtub:

 An example of blue sky that blows my mind it is so clear and beautiful:

The new "cow rub" came in, I installed it near the milking area. I hope they like it as much as they like the odd nail that they scratch the inside of their noses with. I know, it looks as funny as it sounds, one would think their tongue could do that job!

 The garden, or rather the tomato jungle! Some of the cages fell over when we had 30-40 mph winds, they will just have to grow sideways until harvest. I didn't get a close up but they are loaded with flowers and small fruit.
The cool weather has inspired me to cook and bake: cinnamon rolls, wheat bread, butternut bisque, herb cheese---yummy fun!

Work Life:

I spent several days at the corporate office in Lafayette, big fun socializing, and even got some work done too! I have to say it was nice to be able to drive there and then have my own car available. I may be a little overly attached to my car, Liesel. ;-)

Charlye and I spent over an hour on the financial aid packet for her first choice college (Smith College in Northampton, MA). She will be travelling there this week for their fall preview, she can hardly wait to see Sam, Teo and friends!
Char received an acceptance letter from U of H this week! I got a text when I was out of town "thought you might like to know I have just been accepted to college", sassy girl! She plans to apply to UT Austin also.
Josh is doing well, he and a friend may have gone through our entire supply of spaghetti noodles trying to plan out how to build a 12" long bridge out of noodles that will support a bucket of water. They have not constructed it yet, but now have a better understanding of wet vs dry noodle construction projects!

Looking ahead:
I have a quick 3-day trip to Florida this week, we pick up Vera this week and Char travels to NE--sure to be busy and interesting!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!!! All that food looks delicious!!!!!! It's beautiful!
