No rain to speak of this month which means daily watering, we hope to get some free watering soon.
The two biggest pests this year are the caterpillars (decimated the zinnia bed, one of the strawberry beds and have been seen everywhere else--despite the BT), and the nut sedge. Crazy wicked bad weed. Causes me great frustration. The only upside to both of these is that literally every gardener I have talked to has had the exact same challenges this season. I am convinced the horrid drought summer combined with the extra mild winter conspired to make the perfect conditions for both.
Ok, so here are the pic! (Go back to April Garden Update for a comparison, link here:
April Bird's Eye View )
The areas covered with clear plastic are being solarized to kill nematodes, nut sedge (I hope), and any viruses or fungi that may be present. At least one of the beds will have sweet potatoes.
Happy Gardening!!