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September 17, 2009

Fall Garden is planted!

Late yesterday afternoon, I stepped out back to watch the sunset and see what Dave was up to in the barn (brewing pumpkin ale). The garden bed I weeded two days ago stared up at me.
Ok, I'll go see what seeds I have scuttled away.
Joy! Turns out I had a good supply of carrot, kale, lettuce, broccoli and brussels sprout seeds.
The bed had already been turned over, so in no time at all the seeds were all in and watered. I finished just before dark and then it rained!
I need to collect zinnia and sunflower seeds this weekend, and I plan to get at least one more garden bed weeded. I may have to find my way to the nursery and make sure there isn't anything else we should put in for fall/winter.
I noticed pumpkins at a roadside stand yesterday. It reminded me I need to go by and see if we can get their rejects after halloween. Cows and sheep love fresh pumpkin (and the seeds are a natural parasite control agent).

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